Date: May 14, 2019
To: Clergy, Parishes, Religious, Principals, Staff
From: Bishop Gary Gordon
Cynthia Bouchard, Chancellor
Re: Pastoral Appointments and Ministry changes

As we look to the future and the pastoral ministry challenges
we face in the Church and in our Diocese, we are invited as
people of God to embrace the poverty and the graces of our reality.
We recognize the pressing need to move towards a model of
collaborative and shared ministry.
To that end, Bishop Gary Gordon has, in consultation with the
Priest Personnel Committee, made the following pastoral appointments
and ministry changes:
Effective JULY 15, 2019:
Fr. Dean Henderson, in addition to serving as Pastor of
St. Rose of Lima Parish in Sooke, is also appointed Pastor
of Our Lady of the Rosary Parish in Langford.
Fr. David Hogman, is appointed Pastor of Christ the
King Parish in Courtenay/Comox.
Fr. Alfredo Monacelli, in addition to serving as
Pastor of St. Joseph the Worker Parish in Victoria,
is appointed Pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Victoria.
Fr. Eduardo Santos, in addition to serving as Pastor of Our Lady
of Fatima Parish, with additional responsibility for the Latin-American
community in Victoria, is appointed Bishop’s Delegate and Chaplain
to St. Andrew’s Regional High School.
Other Pastoral Ministry changes:
Fr. Marek Paczka SDS, a member of the Salvatorian community,
has been reassigned by his Religious Superior to a new mission
assignment in Zambia, Africa.
Fr. Pawel Szczur SDS, a member of the Salvatorian community,
has been reassigned by his Religious Superior to Holy Cross
Parish in Burnaby, BC.
Fr. Dino Villadiego, will leave the North Island Parish communities
of Port McNeill, Port Hardy, Port Alice, and Alert Bay as he has been
granted a sabbatical from his home Diocese in the Philippines.
Effective AUGUST 1, 2019:
Fr. Roger Poblete, is appointed Pastor of St. Ann’s Parish in Duncan,
and Assistant Priest at St. Francis Xavier in Mill Bay.
Fr. Devane Sam, is appointed Assistant Priest at St. Andrew’s Cathedral.
Sr. Lilia Semeniego RVM and Sr. Janet Bayron RVM are appointed
Pastoral Administrators of Holy Family Parish in Ucluelet, St. Francis
of Assisi Parish in Tofino, and St. Lawrence Parish in Ahousaht.
Fr. Michael Tran, is appointed Assistant Priest at Our Lady of the
Rosary Parish in Langford, and St. Rose of Lima Parish in Sooke.
Other News:
Fr. Harrison Ayre, in addition to serving as Pastor of
Holy Family/Notre Dame Parish in Port Alberni, has been
granted permission to pursue on-line Graduate Doctoral Studies.
Bishop Gary Gordon, in addition to his responsibility for the
pastoral needs of the whole Diocese, will continue to Pastor
St. Peter’s Parish in Nanaimo, and Our Lady of Victory on
Gabriola Island for the time being.
The Bishop and Personnel Committee continue to discern the
options for care and sacramental priestly ministry pertaining to
St. Peter’s Parish in Nanaimo, the West Coast Communities,
the North Island Parish Communities, the Polish Community,
and the University/College Chaplaincy.
Thank you for your continued support and prayers for the
ongoing pastoral needs of the Diocese of Victoria.